1. Sign Up and Log In

  1. Visit the Movestax login page.
  2. Create your account using your email or existing OAuth methods (Google, GitHub, etc.)
  3. Once registered, log in to access your Movestax Dashboard.

2. Create your first project

Projects in Movestax are where all resources are grouped, including apps, databases, and workflows.

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard.
  2. Click New Project.
  3. Fill in the details:
    • Project Name: Enter a unique name for your project.
    • Region: Select the region where your resources will be hosted.
    • (Optional) Description and Tags.
    • Choose Public or Private project visibility.
    • (Pro Plan) Invite team members if you are on a Pro plan.
  4. Click Create Project.

3. Deploy Your First App

After creating a project, you’ll want to deploy your first app.

  1. In the Project Overview, click Deploy App.
  2. Select your framework or create a custom deployment. We support:
    • Static sites, like Next.js, React, Vue.js, etc.
    • Backend services.
  3. Upload your code or connect your Git repository.
  4. Set up your build settings (optional).
  5. Click Deploy. The app will now be deployed to your selected region.

4. Set Up Your Database

  1. From your Project Dashboard, click on “Create Database”.
  2. Choose from serverless databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MongoDB.
  3. Configure:
    • Database Name
    • User/Password
    • Region (based on your project selection)
  4. Click Create. You will see connection details for your app.

5. Automate Workflows

  1. Navigate to “Create Workflow” in your project’s dashboard.
  2. Build automation using Movestax’s n8n-like features:
    • Drag and drop workflow actions such as triggers, integrations, or custom scripts.
    • Set up triggers based on events (e.g., new database entries, API calls).
  3. Save your workflow to run on schedules or real-time triggers.

6. Explore Additional Services

Movestax is more than just app deployment and databases. We offer additional services:

  • Authentication: Set up user login, access control, and MFA for your apps.
  • API Marketplace: Discover and deploy third-party APIs into your project.
  • Object Storage: Store files securely with S3-like object storage.

7. Monitoring and Analytics

  • Track your project’s performance and resource usage via the Monitoring tab.
  • View real-time CPU, Memory, and Storage metrics.
  • Set up alerts for resource consumption thresholds.

8. Join the Community

  • For further support, join our Discord community.
  • Share feedback and get help from other users and Movestax engineers.

Now you’re ready to start building with Movestax.

Whether you’re deploying apps, managing databases, or automating workflows, our platform is designed to streamline and accelerate your development journey.

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